Many people spend extravagant amounts of money for a proper send-off for their loved-ones. Some can afford it; some cannot. Others spend very little, and yet that is probably felt as keenly.My guess is that Reg and Beryl were battlers. Childless, there was someone who loved them. Beryl died aged 28, and it is tempting to conjecture that it was during childbirth. Reg only lived another ten years. A simple adornment. But still there, after all these years. Discovered in the Church of England Section, Manly Cemetery, Sydney. |
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Welcome to the 43rd week of Taphophile Tragics. Your contribution is most welcome. Please ensure that you include some details of the cemetery in which you took your photographs, and link directly to your post, rather than simply to your blog in general. This week, Mr Linky opens at 9:30pm Monday, Sydney time (GMT+11), and closes at 9:30pm on the Friday. When you can, please visit the other contributing bloggers to show your appreciation of their endeavours. Due to time zone variations and overcrowded schedules, some contributions are made later than Tuesday/Wednesday. As per usual, we are working with the Linky with thumbnails, and displaying the oldest entry first, with no randomising.
Sometimes less is more as is proven in this humble sign. Like it
An interesting one. My post today is not exactly from a cemetery, however it does have a historical link to a cemetery on the same site.
That is fine, Jim. We have had similar things like that before.
I am a little distracted at the moment, for obvious reasons, but will get back to visit you all later today, and maybe even prepare a post of my own. Will wonders never cease!!
I love these homemade markers. They're so much more personal.
Beneath Thy Feet
this is a very humble sign. it makes me a little sad and I wonder if there was no money for something more substantial, or if the family moved away and never saw the gravesite again.
There is a similar cross marking the graves of my husbands grandparents who died about 30 years ago. I've no idea why the sons never got a headstone, I suspect they were just too stingy to buy one!
I do find the more simple monuments are often more touching than the big, fancy ones. I'm glad this one is still around.
that is a very simple cross! amazing its still around and standing after all those years.... and sort of readable!
Yes, I am glad many of you agree, that this simple cross is as valuable as the most grand of monuments. And yes, the printing could be updated, but then the simplicity would be destroyed. In a few years it will be no more. And that is the way things go ...
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