Welcome to Taphophile Tragics.
As the side-bar explains, a taphophile is someone entranced, addicted even, to wandering through cemeteries and graveyards.
I envisage this meme as a historical/landscape look at cemeteries the world over. I do not envisage the meme to stretch to accommodate ghosts, the after-life, or astrological phenomena.
Do not feel restricted to a cemetery around where you live, however, please identify the cemetery, and tell us something that you liked and why. For mine, the text is as important as the image.
I think it essential that the photographs that you use, are ones that you have taken yourself and therefore are able to vouch for the copyright permission-to-use.
The 'Mr Linky' for Taphophile Tragics will be activated at 10pm Monday night, Sydney time, which is GMT +11 during summer. It will stay active until 10pm Friday Sydney time.
Create your Taphophile Tragics post to begin with. Then, come here and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Please do not enter Mr Linky until your post is published on your own blog. Be sure that your link goes directly to your Taphophile Tragics post.
Add a link to this blog in your post, to enable others to join if they wish. It helps if you then visit the posts of other Taphophiles. If you visit them, and leave a comment, they'll know you've visited and may visit you in return. By the way, no need to comment here, at the weekly Linky post. I would much prefer you enter your own post's link, and then go read, and comment on, other contributions.
We are all tragics, so let's pull together!