Sometimes the expressions 'Never forgotten' and 'Always in our hearts' can be self-mocking, when one wanders around cemeteries. Of course, they are not, necessarily negated, just because a Resting Place appears uncared for. However, memory is often a treasured facility. Take this memorial out in Rookwood Necropolis in Section 12 of the Old Anglican section. Just general, rather than heritage.
This young lad, Leonard Madden, died in 1938 aged 10, meaning he was born in 1928. The headstone was dedicated by his parents and grandparents. Had Lennie lived, he would have been 84 this year. Making his parents about 110 and his grandparents about 135. So, who is replenishing these, admittedly fake, flowers. Even fake don't last forever.
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Your contribution is most welcome. Please ensure that you include some details of the cemetery in which you took your photographs, and link directly to your post, rather than simply to your blog in general. This week, Mr Linky opens at 9:30pm Monday, Sydney time (GMT+10), and closes at 9:30pm on the Friday. When you can, please visit the other contributing bloggers to show your appreciation of their endeavours. Due to time zone variations and overcrowded schedules, some contributions are made later than Tuesday/Wednesday. As per usual, we are working with the Linky with thumbnails, and displaying the oldest entry first, with no randomising.