If it was good enough for the ancient Egyptians, I guess it is good enough for us. As we travel that final journey, we need the accoutrements of our earthly life to cushion the journey. Here are three examples.
The first grave was unnamed, as are many out in that massive expanse of Rookwood Necropolis, which is equivalent to a standard Sydney suburb. Some family wag has given Joan a kicked 'bucket'. And the empty bottle of 4711 graces the tombstone of Marjorie Claudine Savage who hailed the ferryman in 2008 at the aqe of 92, not that you would know from the, admittedly, lovely portrait of her which is attached to her black marble tombstone.
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Your contribution is most welcome. Please ensure that you include some details of the cemetery in which you took your photographs, and link directly to your post, rather than simply to your blog in general. This week, Mr Linky opens at 9:30pm Monday, Sydney time (GMT+10), and closes at 9:30pm on the Friday. When you can, please visit the other contributing bloggers to show your appreciation of their endeavours. Due to time zone variations and overcrowded schedules, some contributions are made later than Tuesday/Wednesday. As per usual, we are working with the Linky with thumbnails, and displaying the oldest entry first, with no randomising.